The Governor Systems Analysis based on Adaptive Control Strategy in DadaiHydropower Station of Cambodia |
Pan Daoming |
Dadai Project Department of Hubei Qingjiang Hydropower Development Co., Ltd, KohKong Province. Cambodia |
Abstract Over longpressure tunneldiversion, the hydro-generating unittend to have a largerhydraulic time constant, setting surge shaft in the second half of diversion tunnel is the method to reduce the hydraulic time constant. Inhighwater headhydropower station, generator load rejecting, inevitably leads to speed and volute pressure exceeds the standard value, adjusting the guide vanes closing regularity can improve the speed and volute pressure rising rate, it is one of the most direct and most economical way. Governor according todifferent operating conditions, selects the optimum PID parameters, can improve the dynamic performance of the unit.,the paper details the adaptive control strategies and methods of operation.
Published: 27 July 2016
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Pan Daoming. The Governor Systems Analysis based on Adaptive Control Strategy in DadaiHydropower Station of Cambodia[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 87-92.
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