Calculation Analysis of Induced Voltage and Circulating Current in Sheath of Single-Core Power Cable Applied under Transmission Lines |
Zhang Jiale, Wu Yaohui |
China Southern Power Grid Company Limited, Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau, Shenzheng, Guangdong 518000 |
Abstract The power cable applied in 110kV and above level generally adopts single-core structure. In order to limit the inducted voltage on the cable sheath and circulating currents, the cable is usually grounded by single-ended metal sheath or interconnection between three-phase sheaths. Theoretical calculation and practical operation experience shows that three-phase interconnection cables grounded at both ends enjoy smaller induced voltage and circulating currents. With the growing of the power transmission lines and high voltage power cable in cities, the high voltage power cable faces complex electromagnetic environment. The cable suffers serious induced voltage and circulating currents especially under high voltage transmission lines, which resulting the accelerated aging. There is few related research about how to calculate the induced voltage and circulating currents in the cable applied nearby the high voltage transmission lines. This paper established a model to calculate the induced voltage and circulating currents in the cable applied nearby the high voltage transmission lines. The calculation analysis shows that transmission lines significantly increase induced voltage and circulating currents.
Published: 24 August 2016
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Zhang Jiale,Wu Yaohui. Calculation Analysis of Induced Voltage and Circulating Current in Sheath of Single-Core Power Cable Applied under Transmission Lines[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(8): 50-54.
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