Research and Implementation of Event Hint Basic Service in the Electricity-related Information System |
Wang Xiaobo |
Beijing China-Power Information Technology Co.,Ltd,Beijing 100192 |
Abstract After pointed out the message hint requirements of various information systems, summed up the basic concepts and its key points of the event hint basic service, put forward the basic framework and hierarchical structure of the event hint basic service, and then integrally described its business process and functional structure. Finally, two typical usages and two electric power-featured usages in the information system are exemplified, which shows that it is effective to improve the application level and use efficiency of the related information system.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Wang Xiaobo. Research and Implementation of Event Hint Basic Service in the Electricity-related Information System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 112-116.
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