Application and Optimization of Series Compensation Equipment in Distribution Network |
Zhou Xin1, Li Shengnan1, Qin Risheng1, Wang Lichun2, Wang Xing2 |
1. Yunnan Electric Power Research Institute, Kunming 650217; 2. Rongxin Power Electronic, Ltd, Anshan, Liaoning 114051 |
Abstract Brief introduction of power voltage long distance transmission caused by the unqualified problem, put forward the file type of series compensation capacitor group. Step type series compensation equipment not only meets the current demand and compensation capacity reserved compensation capacity for the future development of our economy, step type series compensation device also takes into account the system resonance suppression function, the satisfactory results are obtained from the analysis of the operation data.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Zhou Xin,Li Shengnan,Qin Risheng等. Application and Optimization of Series Compensation Equipment in Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 83-86.
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