Study on the Influence of Wind Speed Uncertainty on the Current Quality of Grid-connected PMSG Units |
Liu Jingpeng, Ma Kaifang |
Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306 |
Abstract In recent years, the rapid development of wind power, direct drive PMSG wind power generation system advantages fade, for PMSG and full power converter technology research is more mature, but the power quality research of grid-connected wind power generation system is quite inadequate. Based on the direct drive PMSG wind power generation system, discusses the current quality problems of grid-connected wind power system caused by the wind speed uncertainty. Through the construction of experimental platform of grid-connected PMSG units, for three different wind conditions and carry out the experiments. The experimental results show that, the wind speed and its turbulence intensity are the important factors influencing the current quality of grid-connected PMSG units.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Liu Jingpeng,Ma Kaifang. Study on the Influence of Wind Speed Uncertainty on the Current Quality of Grid-connected PMSG Units[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 53-57.
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