Sparse Fast Fourier Transform Analysis of Transformer Vibration Signal |
Zhang Wenmin1, Gao Duo2, Zhang Huijuan3, Zhang xi3 |
1. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Maintenance Company, Lanzhou 730070; 2. State Grid Hebei Cangzhou Power Supply Company, Cangzhou, Hebei 061000; 3. Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401 |
Abstract The frequency spectrum of the transformer vibration signal of is sparse, and to the traditional signal analysis methods, frequency components in the whole frequency range need to be calculated, so the calculation speed is slow. To the sparse fast Fourier transform (SFFT) algorithm, only the main frequency components of transformer vibration signal are calculated. First, SFFT algorithmutilizes window function to filter vibration signal. Then, after the Fourier coefficients being hashed, the largest coefficients ofthe Fourier Transform of vibration signal can be estimated by location and estimation methods. SFFT algorithm with sub linear runtime in the signal size has a simple structure. The analysis result of vibration signal of transformer oil tankin this paper has verified the faster performance of the SFFT algorithm than FFT algorithm in on-line spectrum analysis.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Zhang Wenmin,Gao Duo,Zhang Huijuan等. Sparse Fast Fourier Transform Analysis of Transformer Vibration Signal[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 59-63.
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