Study on Insulation Condition Diagnosis based on the Variable Weight-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method |
Zhu Shuncai, Cai Jinding, Wang Ling |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract Considering the deficiency of present index weight determination method in state evaluation, based on the objective, subjective index weighting method line combination, the variable weight model is established by balance function. Oil-paper insulation system is a complex system, the synthesis of states and accurate evaluations need several indexes in quantitative factors and qualitative factors, the method of constant weight cannot reflect the essential attribute of index, especially some indexes deviating from normal value, because the weight of these indexes is too low, the unreasonable and inaccurate comprehensive evaluation result leads to missing the best maintenance time. Last, taking specific transformer as example, the oil-paper insulation evaluation system based on variable weight-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is proved that it can obtain more subjective oil-paper insulation change trend. With the perfection of index weight, the comprehensive oil-paper insulation evaluation system will be more scientific, reasonable and practical.
Published: 19 April 2017
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Zhu Shuncai,Cai Jinding,Wang Ling. Study on Insulation Condition Diagnosis based on the Variable Weight-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(4): 16-21.
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