Research and Solution Making of the Asymmetry Problem of Double Circuit Lines on the Same Tower in the Regional 220kV Power Grid |
Li Xianbao1, He Xinlin2 |
1. Shandong Weiqiao Aluminum-electricity Co., Ltd, Zouping, Shandong 256200; 2. Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710054; |
Abstract Electrical parameters asymmetry of double circuit lines on the same tower will cause the line current and voltage unbalance, thereby affecting the operation of the system of economy and reliability. This paper analyzes the cause of the asymmetry problem of double circuit lines on the same tower, and put forward the modeling and simulation of the double circuit lines on the same tower in a regional 220kV power grid in Shandong province by using ATP-EMTP software. It analyzes the grid unbalance in the same phase sequence, reverse phase sequence, sequence of phase, capacitor compensation, etc. different connectors, and the corresponding decisions and recommendations. The results show that: the long-range tower double circuit transmission lines are arranged at the same phase sequence imbalance maximum, followed by reverse phase sequence, then the inverse phase sequence; compensation capacitor can significantly improve the negative sequence unbalance, and with the line length increase and improve the effect will be more obvious.
Published: 19 April 2017
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Li Xianbao,He Xinlin. Research and Solution Making of the Asymmetry Problem of Double Circuit Lines on the Same Tower in the Regional 220kV Power Grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(4): 75-78.
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