Distribution Network Fault Location Method based on Synchronous Phasor Data |
Xu Jun, Zhou Jian, Liu Dawei |
Jiangsu Transmission Substation Company, Nanjing 210028 |
Abstract In order to adapt the difficulty of distribution network fault location andpositioning is the imbalance of three-phase load. It is difficult to use phase transformation to directly overcome the current, transition resistance and other factors. However, single-phase grounding fault in distribution network is normally accompanied with two or more grounding short circuit which might lead to further damage to the safe operation of the whole system. Therefore, the fault must be located promptly. Firstly, this paper proposes a double terminal fault location method based on synchronized phasor measurement data. Furthermore, through a variety of different types of fault resilience and comprehensive measurement error suppression, proved the rigid of two-terminal location method. Thereby improve the accuracy of fault location in distribution network. From the results of theoretical analysis and data simulation, it can be concluded that these two new algorithms excel the existing congener algorithms by higher precision and stronger robustness, and also excel the classic ranging method like Impedance.
Published: 23 May 2017
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Xu Jun,Zhou Jian,Liu Dawei. Distribution Network Fault Location Method based on Synchronous Phasor Data[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(5): 40-43.
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