Setting Calculation Method of Power Plant Relay Protection in IEC Inverse Characteristic Stage Difference Coordination |
Yan Quanchun, Yang Hongyu, Li Chenlong |
Jiangsu Frontier Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract The inverse time characteristic relays in power plant can chose the action time automatically according to the fault current, which saving the cost of the protection configuration. Due to the not unified of inverse time characteristic relays for plant power system. Firstly, compare the performance of the different IEC inverse time characteristics. Then, considering the stage difference coordination between upper and lower part of equipment, the inverse time characteristics coordination curve was proposed. Finally, a case of setting calculation for power plant inverse time characteristic coordination by particle swarm optimization algorithm was proposed, which meeting the requirements of stage difference coordination.
Published: 23 May 2017
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Yan Quanchun,Yang Hongyu,Li Chenlong. Setting Calculation Method of Power Plant Relay Protection in IEC Inverse Characteristic Stage Difference Coordination[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(5): 63-67.
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