Bipolar High Power Experimental Method of Xiamen HVDC Flexible Transmission Project |
Zou Huanxiong, Li Chao, Hu Wenwang, Chao Wujie |
State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute, Fuzhou 350007 |
Abstract The bipolar mode was firstly adopted in Xiamen HVDC flexible transmission project, and it was lack of relevant debugging experience and experimental method. According to the characteristics of Xiamen project, the high power experimental method was proposed, including bipolar thermal performance test, cooling system redundance test and emergency shutdown test. It is verified that the equipments are in compliance with the requirements by high power experiment, and the parameters such as harmonic and loss are measured during the test. Experimental method and results can provide basis for adjusting the operating parameters of the HVDC flexible project and optimizing the design of the converter, and can also provide experience for the construction of other HVDC flexible project.
Published: 28 June 2017
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Zou Huanxiong,Li Chao,Hu Wenwang等. Bipolar High Power Experimental Method of Xiamen HVDC Flexible Transmission Project[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 23-26.
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