Study of Active Distributed Network Multi-layer Dispatching Method Considering of Distributed Energy and Demand Side |
Geng Bo, Sun Yingying, Huang Mei, Li Zuqiang, Zhao Youguo |
Guangdong Shenzhen Power Supply Co.,Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000 |
Abstract Active and intelligent distribution network is its principal developing trend. There are several controllable resources such as traditional energy sources, distributed energy sources, energy storage, controllable load and so on in distributed network, and the regulated scheduling of these resources is one of the key technology for active distributed network operation. This paper researches the coordinated optimal dispatching method of active distribution network from the view of power supply and load control. The dispachting model of distributed energy, energy storage and controllable load are built and a coordinated optimal dispatch system is porposed. This paper gives some account casese about the regulation guidance plans and which shows the feasibility and validity of the dispatching model and method.
Published: 20 July 2017
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Geng Bo,Sun Yingying,Huang Mei等. Study of Active Distributed Network Multi-layer Dispatching Method Considering of Distributed Energy and Demand Side[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(7): 21-27.
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