Study on Section Faults Location Method of LV Multi-Branch Network |
Lu Huaidong, Lv Ping, Xie Rongkun, Xiang Minjiang |
Ji’nan Power Company of State Grid, Ji’nan 250200 |
Abstract Based on the comparison of the existing line fault detection method, the SSTDR detection method is engaged in low voltage distribution network characteristic, for the importance of low voltage distribution network, the complexity of the scene and the low impedance characteristics of the numerous LV lines. The section faults location method of lv multi-branch network is proposed based on SSTDR. The fault detection and positioning of the LV power network are realized by the cooperation between the intelligent terminal of the station and the detection terminal. The method can be used to monitor the fault location of the low-voltage line measurement data through the distribution terminal unit. In the event of a fault, the time-domain reflected wave generator can be quickly realized by the extended spectrum. It is effective to adapt to the fault location time and positioning accuracy of the T-type connection and the branch gearbox of the LV line.
Published: 20 July 2017
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Lu Huaidong,Lv Ping,Xie Rongkun等. Study on Section Faults Location Method of LV Multi-Branch Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(7): 78-81.
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