Discussion on Construction of Electricity Price Analysis Model based on Factor Analysis |
Xing Jinfeng1, Yuan Xinyu2 |
1. State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company, Shijiazhuang 050021; 2. Yangcun No.1 Middle School, Tianjin 301700 |
Abstract Electricity price is affected by many factors, to carry on the deep analysis, which can provide better support for the company's business decisions. This paper uses factor analysis method to construct the factor analysis model, quantify the degree of influence, combined with the actual situation to be revised and improved, make the model more practical business logic. At the same time, referring to this model, we can also construct the analysis model of generation price.
Published: 18 August 2017
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Xing Jinfeng,Yuan Xinyu. Discussion on Construction of Electricity Price Analysis Model based on Factor Analysis[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(8): 118-121.
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