Analysis of External Binding Bar Overheat around Current Transformer of 550kV GIS |
Wang Liufang, Cheng Dengfeng, Song Dongbo, Qin Shaorui, Zhang Chenchen |
State Grid AnHui Electric Power Research Institute, Hefei 230022 |
Abstract External binding bar overheat is a common problem of GIS, especially for the larger load separation, circulating current on the surface of GIS enclosure is prerequisite for overheat. The causes of circulating current and its influencing factors are analyzed, the reason of external binding bar overheat around current transformer of a 550kV GIS is introduced and the treatment measures are presented, which provides useful reference for the analysis of this problem.
Published: 20 September 2017
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Wang Liufang,Cheng Dengfeng,Song Dongbo等. Analysis of External Binding Bar Overheat around Current Transformer of 550kV GIS[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(9): 111-113.
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