The Research of Optimized Capacitor Voltage Balancing Algorithm of MMC based on Maximum Voltage Deviation Margin |
Zeng Huan, Li Ruihua, Hu Bo, Hu Hao |
Electrical Engineering of Tongji University, Shanghai 201804 |
Abstract The traditional capacitor voltage balancing arithmetic results in high switching frequency and high switching losses. In order to solve this problem, this paper studies the operating principle of modular multilevel converter (MMC) and proposes an optimized capacitor voltage balancing algorithm based on maximum voltage deviation margin. This is done by considering the switching status and voltage deviation of submodules, which can reduce the switching frequency of IGBT under satisfying the balance demand, thus reducing switching losses and improving the efficiency of the system. At last, the simulation based on a 21-level three-phase MMC in Matlab/Simulink verifies the validity and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Published: 20 September 2017
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Zeng Huan,Li Ruihua,Hu Bo等. The Research of Optimized Capacitor Voltage Balancing Algorithm of MMC based on Maximum Voltage Deviation Margin[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(9): 4-9.
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