The overview of the vsg technology of grid connected large-scale PV-storage hybrid system |
Gao Haili, Tan Jiancheng |
Guangxi Univercity, Nanning 530004 |
Abstract The power grid is under pressure to operate closer to its security limits, as intermittent renewable energy gradually increasing. This paper describes the mathematical models of large-scale photovoltaic inverters that similates synchronous machines (VSG), such as inertia, damping, frequency and voltage controls, analyses its active power-frequency control, reactive power and voltage control stratigies, and discusses its cons-and-pros in integrating the large scale photovoltaic power plant into the power grid, and its prospects in the green low-carbon development era.
Received: 06 July 2017
Published: 22 January 2018
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Gao Haili,Tan Jiancheng. The overview of the vsg technology of grid connected large-scale PV-storage hybrid system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(1): 1-4.
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