Research on control method of tidal power generation simulator based on LabVIEW |
Bai Han, Shi Haoyan, Zhang Qiaojie, Bai Lianping |
Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Institute of Automation, Beijing 100192 |
Abstract In the power generation of ocean energy, tidal power generation has broad prospects for development. In this paper, a tide power generation experiment device is designed to carry out the preliminary research in the laboratory, and lay the foundation for the marine test of tidal power generation. In the control system of tidal power generation simulator, variable frequency speed regulation of three-phase induction motor by frequency converter is the key technology of power flow simulation. For this reason, LabVIEW operation interface and program flow chart are designed on the upper computer, data transmission using VISA technology, the continuous operation of frequency converter is controlled by RS485 communication, therefore, the three-phase asynchronous motor drives the bidirectional impeller pump to drive the flow of water, simulation study of tidal power generation can be carried out.
Received: 17 July 2017
Published: 22 January 2018
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Bai Han,Shi Haoyan,Zhang Qiaojie等. Research on control method of tidal power generation simulator based on LabVIEW[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(1): 5-9.
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