Main transformer differential brotection action caused by GIS internal discharge inspection and analysis of fault |
Zhang Hai, Bai Ying |
Shanxi the Yellow River Wanjiazhai Water Group Co., Ltd, Taiyuan 030012 |
Abstract With the development of technology, the application of GIS (gas insulated totally enclosed switchgear) in electric power system is very common, and there are different ways to detect failures. In this paper, the occurrence, inspection test, treatment process and process requirements of the main transformer differential protection action caused by the internal discharge of GIS are described in detail, and the cause of the failure is further analyzed, so as to provide references for the inspection and treatment of such faults.
Received: 08 March 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Zhang Hai,Bai Ying. Main transformer differential brotection action caused by GIS internal discharge inspection and analysis of fault[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(10): 108-111.
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