Optimal allocation of thermal storage system capacity of solar power tower plant |
Mao Weizhou1, Lu Huajun1, Shan Baoqi2 |
1. Nanjing PANENG Technology Development Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210061; 2. College of Energy and Electrica, Hohai University., Nanjing 210098 |
Abstract Thermal storage system is an important component of solar power tower plant. Its capacity is generally described by thermal storage time. Thermal storage time is the maximum time that the thermal energy stored in the thermal storage system can be used for the operation of the steam turbine generator unit under rated condition. At present, the value of the thermal storage time of solar power tower plants that have been built is relatively arbitrary and its impact on the economic benefits of the power plant is not considered. This paper proposes a method for optimizing the thermal storage time of solar power tower plant considering the comprehensive economic benefits. We take the construction of 50MW solar power tower plant in a certain area of western China as an example. Using actual local geographic and meteorological data to establish the energy conversion efficiency model and economic evaluation model of solar power tower plant. The optimization objective is the minimum leveling cost of electricity. The optimal thermal storage time of the plant is obtained when the solar multiple is 1.8 and 2.4 respectively. And we analyzed the influence of the capacity of the thermal storage system on the economic benefit of the plant at certain solar multiple and the influence of thermal storage system capacity on annual capacity factor of power station.
Received: 06 June 2018
Published: 16 November 2018
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Mao Weizhou,Lu Huajun,Shan Baoqi. Optimal allocation of thermal storage system capacity of solar power tower plant[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(11): 37-42.
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