Hybrid visualization generation and offline checking technology for secondary safety measures |
Zhang Zhipeng1, Peng Guixi1, Bian Haibo1, Bi Hongtu1, Jiang Lin2 |
1. State grid Tianjin Binhai Power Supply Company, Tianjin 300450 2. Five-C Smart Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211100 |
Abstract This paper puts forward the automatic corresponding formula between the virtual circuit and soft strap, and the feasible offline verification method for secondary safety measures. First of all, the corresponding formula between the virtual circuit and soft strap and the method for the presentation of the mixed view are studied, which provides the offline verification with methods for intuitive status display. On this foundation, it is feasible to conduct two offline functions, including the simulation of the artificial security operation, compared with the standard measure of safety measures, as well as the homing-mode verification of safety measures. Through applications in such many substations as Longhu substation with a voltage of 500kV, it shows the realization of the one click-made graphical mixed view of virtual circuit and soft strap, so as to save the time of manual configuration. Additionally, the simulation and verification technologies of the safety measures improve the execution efficiency and accuracy of the Inspection personnel.
Received: 11 September 2017
Published: 07 February 2018
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Zhang Zhipeng,Peng Guixi,Bian Haibo等. Hybrid visualization generation and offline checking technology for secondary safety measures[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(2): 116-119.
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