Research of economic benefits of energy storage technique under different business operational modes |
Yang Jianlin, Huang Yichao, Fei Fei, Guo Mingxing, Pang Aili |
Electric Power Economic Research Institute, SMEPC, ShangHai 200120; |
Abstract This paper establishes the economic benefits calculation models of energy storage technique under four business operational modes. These four businessmodes are investment operation mode in grid side, generation side, user side and third part side respectively. The detailed constitution parts of every economic benefit model under different business operational modes are analyzed and the calculation procedures are given. A test systemwith energy storage device is used to validate the correction of the proposed method in this paper. Finally, the optimal business operational mode is suggested in this paper.
Received: 31 August 2017
Published: 19 March 2018
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Yang Jianlin,Huang Yichao,Fei Fei等. Research of economic benefits of energy storage technique under different business operational modes[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(3): 80-84.
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