Primary frequency regulation and test of thermal power unit |
Zhang Yanping, Wu Zihao, Shi Peng, Luo Dezhu |
State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Research Institute, Xi'an 710100 |
Abstract With the continuous development of economy and the continuous progress of society, the capacity of thermal power units and the dynamic stability of power grid are constantly increasing and upgrading. The continuous development of power grid is increasing the safety and reflection speed of thermal power units. The primary frequency of the thermal power unit has a great influence on the quality of the power supply and the safety of the grid operation. It can control the load and drop load of the frequency adjusting unit through a frequency control system, and can control the rated range required for the unit frequency work. Therefore, we must give enough attention to find a scientific and effective way to improve the magnitude of its load changes and response speed. After understanding the principle of primary frequency modulation of the unit, the importance of the primary frequency modulation of the thermal power unit is described in detail. Taking a 300MW unit thermal power unit as an example, the following frequency modulation of the different control mode is introduced. Test method, get a certain accurate test data, found in the actual production work can be put into use.
Received: 31 October 2017
Published: 18 April 2018
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