Monitoring of mechanical position of isolators inside GIS based on hall sensing technology |
Duan Huibin1, Zhou Yuanwei1, Zou Jiao2 |
1. State Grid Sichuan Maintenance Company, Chengdu 610036; 2. State Grid Sichuan Emeishan Electric Power Supply Company, Leshan, Sichuan 614200 |
Abstract The program operation has become the inevitable trend of Non-attended Power Substation security operation due to its high operating efficiency and saving manpower, etc. But for the current program operation, there are security hidden dangers that the monitoring background can not realize remote monitoring of the location of isolators inside GIS, thus affecting its promotion in the smart substation. This paper presents a method for monitoring the mechanical position of isolators inside GIS Based on hall sensing technology, By using the remote monitoring of the mechanical position of isolator, it can be used to determine whether the isolator is in place. Thus, the operation reliability of the equipment is improved, and the misoperation of operators is reduced.
Received: 29 October 2017
Published: 21 May 2018
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Duan Huibin,Zhou Yuanwei,Zou Jiao. Monitoring of mechanical position of isolators inside GIS based on hall sensing technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 92-93.
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