Transformer reserve planning with the consideration of planned maintenance and forced outage of transformers |
Wang Man, Wang Yonghua |
China State Grid Chongqing Company, Jiangbei Branch, Chongqing 400044 |
Abstract Planned maintenance for equipment can improve the health state of equipment and enhance the reliability of equipment and systems. However, the maintenance of transformer may cause the outage losses. The Monte Carlo simulation technique is used to calculate the reliability indices, and the planned maintenance and forced outage of transformers are considered into the reliability. In this paper, the spare transformer planning model is established based on the type and quantity of the spare transformer as decision variables and the minimum cost of transformers as an objective function. The enumeration method of optimal configuration of spare transformers is given. Spare transformers configuration in two different systems are researched in case study. The results show that MS configuration can increase system reliability. Under the given parameter of reliability and economy, decision of MS configuration is related to proportion of different types of substations in the system studied if interruption cost of planned maintenance is considered only. Considering interruption cost of planned maintenance and forced outage, optimal configuration number of spare transformers is related to proportion of different types of substations in the system studied.
Received: 30 September 2017
Published: 19 June 2018
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Wang Man,Wang Yonghua. Transformer reserve planning with the consideration of planned maintenance and forced outage of transformers[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(6): 50-55.
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