The circulating current suppressing strategy based on equivalent feeder for parallel inverters in islanded microgrid |
Zhang Mingrui, Wang Jiaying, Song Baihui, Wei Li |
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804 |
Abstract In islanded mode microgrid, circulating current among parallel inverters due to the voltage differences and disproportionate line impedances cannot be neglected. In this paper, the influence of external inductor, local load and line impedance on circulating current is taken into consideration in the equivalent feeder calculation. The equivalent feeder voltage drop is calculated and added to the reference voltage of droop control as voltage compensation. Meanwhile, adaptive virtual complex impedance is adopted to provide quick responses to load change and the mismatch of line impedances, which can reduce the resistant part of line impedance and improve the line impedance proportional accuracy. Simulation results show that the equivalent line impedance calculation method can reflect the variation of grid parameters. The proposed control strategy can suppress the circulating current well and improve the accuracy of power proportional sharing.
Received: 19 December 2017
Published: 17 July 2018
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Zhang Mingrui,Wang Jiaying,Song Baihui等. The circulating current suppressing strategy based on equivalent feeder for parallel inverters in islanded microgrid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(7): 1-8.
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