Experimental research on multi-class outside destroy happened on transmission line |
Qin Jinfei, Cheng Dengfeng, Yang Daowen, Xia Lingzhi, Li Senlin |
State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Instritute, Hefei 230022 |
Abstract In this paper, three kinds of tripping operation faults happened on transmission line are introduced, including kite line, displacing bird ribbon and fishing nets. The insulation characteristic of the external debris is studied. The main test items consist of insulation resistance measurement, dry and wet power frequency withstand test. Based on the experimental results, the cause of multi-class outside destroy is analyzed. The prevention measures for reducing outside destroy are put forward.
Received: 18 January 2018
Published: 17 July 2018
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Qin Jinfei,Cheng Dengfeng,Yang Daowen等. Experimental research on multi-class outside destroy happened on transmission line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(7): 103-106.
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