Research and application of test method for precision load control system |
Zhang Wen, Xu Xingyu, Wang Zhe |
XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract Precision load control was considered an integral part of UHV (ultra-high voltage) AC/DC power grid system protection. Real-time precise control which the dispatcher can send commend directly to interruptible load for user classification could be done via classification, hierarchical and sub-regional management of load resources. This approach has the virtue of not requiring switch off a large number of substations or lines which can minimize the social impact due to grid failures and improve defense capabilities for bulk power systems. In order to guarantee the stability and reliability of precision load control, it is essential to be validated through adequate testing before its operation. Responding to the characteristics of precision load control system, this paper has developed a set of simulation test environment which can simulation various operation conditions running at full capacity and verified its effectiveness comprehensively through researched test methods and customized test case drivers based on actual hardware and software components, the characteristics of interior communication as well, thus ensuring the stability and reliability of precision load control system.This test metrology has been fully applied in the field of developing and testing process of precision load control system.
Received: 11 April 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
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Zhang Wen,Xu Xingyu,Wang Zhe. Research and application of test method for precision load control system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 119-123.
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