Design of virtual panel for process device based on DL/T 1230 and DL/T 476 |
Li Ruiming, Chen Xianyong, Wang Yufeng, Hou Liangzeng, Qiu Shaoshen |
XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract In view of the problems of the process device in the smart station, such as the state data display is not intuitive, the access channel is single, the configuration tool is not unified, propose a scheme of virtual panel design based on graphic description specification for electric power system to organize graphics and based on power system real-time data communication application layer protocol to transform data. The virtual panel interface is designed by the process layer equipment manufacturer and is maintained by the equipment in real time. It has strong extensibility and can meet the different needs of various manufacturers.
Received: 09 February 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
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Li Ruiming,Chen Xianyong,Wang Yufeng等. Design of virtual panel for process device based on DL/T 1230 and DL/T 476[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 141-144.
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