The current double sampling technique for power conversion system |
Wu Weiliang1, 2, Yang Hemin1, 2, Jian Youzong1, 2, Yang Haiying1, 2 |
1.NARI Group (State Grid Electric Power Research) Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106; 2. NARI Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106 |
Abstract In order to ensure the power quality of power conversion system can meet the standard requirements, usually it is necessary to access large volume LCL filters between power conversion system and the power grid for filtering processing. It will increase the volume and the cost of power conversion system. A current double sampling technique for power conversion system is proposed, it does not increase any hardware resources and costs, but samples two times in a sampling period, and then takes the average value as the current inner loop control signal. The performance of the current double sampling technique is tested by static and dynamic experiments. The current double sampling technique can reduce the low order harmonics, especially the second and fourth harmonic, it will play a role in improving the power quality of power conversion system.
Received: 11 May 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
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Wu Weiliang,Yang Hemin,Jian Youzong等. The current double sampling technique for power conversion system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 51-54.
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