IEC 61968/70 standard based modeling of wind power and its information interaction |
Yang Ming1, Li Xinran2, Lv Yunfeng1, Zhang Qing1 |
1. Huizhou Power Supply Bureau, Huizhou, Guangdong 516000; 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hu’nan University, Changsha, Hu’nan 410082; |
Abstract With the increasing scale of distributed wind power generation into the net, the power sector needs to carry on the effective monitoring and control. In order to achieve the exchange among the wind power generation, power grid, and the data sharing, a standard and open information model's establishment is necessary. Based on IEC 61968/70, a distributed energy CIM extension method and wind power's information interaction CIMs have been established to meet distribution, operation demands. The models realize the distribution network of distributed wind power remote communication, status information, fault information's effective management, apply to the design of distribution network management system, and provide a unified interface for development of advanced application.
Received: 06 June 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
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Yang Ming,Li Xinran,Lv Yunfeng等. IEC 61968/70 standard based modeling of wind power and its information interaction[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 82-89.
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