The thermo-electric coupled fields calculation and themal stability analysis of disconnector contact system based on finite element method |
Liu Yufang, Zhang Min |
College of Industry and Trade of Hunan, Zhuzhou, Hunan 412000 |
Abstract The disconnector usage amount is big in high voltage power grid. The operational reliability of disconnector will directly influence the stability of power supply. The overheat problem of conductive part, especially contact zone of contact, always caused hidden danger of normal operation. This paper used the electric-heat coupling finite element method, calculated the vortex field firstly to make the current density and heat as the load of the next step. Then calculated contact resistance and heat flux based on elastic mechanics and electric contact theory. Finally, the paper analyzed the themal stability of contact under the condition of natural convection. The strong thermal stability was proved by temperature rise analysis. The results of this paper have some practical value and guiding meaning in engineering.
Received: 13 February 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Liu Yufang,Zhang Min. The thermo-electric coupled fields calculation and themal stability analysis of disconnector contact system based on finite element method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(9): 23-27.
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