The study of the detection of high voltage breaker velocity, displacement characteristics based on acceleration-sensor |
Ma Cunle1, Yang Dequan2 |
1. Xi’an Zhongzhou Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710077; 2. BYD Auto Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710119; |
Abstract High-voltage circuit breakers commonly use linear and rotary sensors to measure velocity and displacement, sometimes to measure with a custom mounting fixture, and must be aware of the inherent mechanical characteristics of the circuit breaker when processing data. According to the above two problems, Displacement signal was got from acceleration signal using time domain integration, with the trend of err. Polynomial fitting method of extreme value to eliminate the trend of errs was proposed. More precise displacement data or velocity data can be acquired from this algorithm. The problem of installation of the common linear sensor and rotary sensor is solved effectively.
Received: 09 July 2018
Published: 15 January 2019
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Ma Cunle,Yang Dequan. The study of the detection of high voltage breaker velocity, displacement characteristics based on acceleration-sensor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(1): 58-62.
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