Research and design of environmental monitoring system for underground power grid pipeline |
Cao Lianlian, Jiang Xiaohui, Qian Yulin, Zhang Kexin |
NARI Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106 |
Abstract The large-scale construction of the underground power grid pipelines leads to a large increase in the number of underground pipelines. These equipments play an important role in transmitting urban power supply. Due to the long-term deep underground, it is significantly affected by the environment. Once a fault occurs, it will have a great impact on the city's electricity. This paper designs an environmental monitoring system for underground power grid pipelines system. The sensor technology is used to monitor the environmental information of underground power pipelines in real time, which significantly reduces the work intensity and safety hazards of manual inspections. For the large-scale increase of underground pipeline equipment, distributed data acquisition technology can effectively improve the massive data collection efficiency, thereby improving the scalability of the collection and the maintainability of the system. In turn, the accuracy of the data, the efficiency of the acquisition and the reliability of the system are guaranteed.
Received: 05 March 2019
Published: 29 September 2019
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Cao Lianlian,Jiang Xiaohui,Qian Yulin等. Research and design of environmental monitoring system for underground power grid pipeline[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 53-57.
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