Research and realization of cross-platform information system data migration technology |
Li Jing, Ma Chao, Huang Jingyu, Lu Yanyan |
State Grid Hebei Information & Technology Company, Shijiazhuang 050000 |
Abstract The minicomputer equipment supported by the operation of the marketing analysis and auxiliary decision system of State Grid Hebei Corporation has been running for many years. In recent years, the IBM 9116-561 model device voltage regulator module has a family defect. There is a risk that the marketing data report cannot be reported normally due to the equipment failure, affecting the system. Safe and stable operation. Based on the above considerations, this article describes the key technologies involved in the migration of ETL and Sybase databases from existing minicomputer environments to PC server devices. The major technologies include: ① Informatica and workflow export and import; ② Sybase and ETL Extraction of tools; ③ Extraction of new environmental data. Through the technical research in the above aspects, it not only effectively solves the problems existing in the system operation process, lays the foundation for better follow-up operation and maintenance work, but also provides experience for the cross-platform migration of other systems, and has good reference value.
Received: 14 November 2018
Published: 29 September 2019
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Li Jing,Ma Chao,Huang Jingyu等. Research and realization of cross-platform information system data migration technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 70-74.
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