The analysis of reactive power compensation on the spot of transformer shifting process |
Luo Lu1, Zhang Chungang2 |
1. Kunming Railway Vocational Technical College, Kunming 650208; 2. Kunming Power Supply Bureau of Yunnan Power Grid Co., Ltd, Kunming 650000 |
Abstract Based on an example of transformer differential current over-limit alarm in a 110kV substation, this paper analyzes in-depth the problem of transformer over-limit alarm caused by insufficient reactive power at system nodes and no reactive power compensation equipment installed in the substation during the shifting process of transformer in the substation. Threatening the safe and stable operation of the power grid. This paper calculates the differential current produced in the course of transformer shifting by using the data recorded on the spot, and analyzes the influence of reactive power compensation on transformers and transmission lines theoretically, which provides a reference for the analysis similar events.
Received: 29 September 2018
Published: 17 April 2019
Cite this article: |
Luo Lu,Zhang Chungang. The analysis of reactive power compensation on the spot of transformer shifting process[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(4): 86-90.
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