A cut-off protection circuit based on dynamic arc recognition and termination technology |
Meng Qinghai, Li Shuai, Jiao Zhengguo |
North China University of Technology, College of Electrical and Control Engineering, Beijing 100144 |
Abstract The traditional output intrinsically safety switching power supplies take some protection measures in the output, such as overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection and short current protection, whose response of dynamic is low and the power is small. Dynamic arc recognition and termination (DART) is a method of transiting the system to a safe state rapidly when the critical parameters of the system exceed the critical value by detecting electrical system faults dynamically. This paper will make DART technology apply to the output intrinsically safety switching power supply. When faults occur, the rate of current conversion detected exceeds the pre-set critical value and the power is cut off immediately. Due to the short response time, the arc energy generated at this time is lower than the minimum ignition energy (MIE), so the power of the output intrinsically safety switching power supply can be further improved. Also a set of protection circuit is designed, and through simulation and experiment, it is further verified that DART technology can improve the output power of the intrinsically safety switching power supply.
Received: 27 December 2018
Published: 16 July 2019
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Meng Qinghai,Li Shuai,Jiao Zhengguo. A cut-off protection circuit based on dynamic arc recognition and termination technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(7): 23-27.
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