A novel on-line system for monitoring the oil level of capsule-type storage tank of 35kV power transformer |
Li Shilong, Ni Jingwen, Xu Datian, Zhang Chengxi, Qiao Yaxing |
State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company, Shinan Power Supply Company, Shanghai 200233 |
Abstract The oil level of the oil storage tank is an important operation parameter of the power transformer. The magnetic variable resistance circuit and hardware structure are designed, which could monitor the oil level of capsule-type oil storage tank. Based on the communication and monitoring technology of electric Internet of things, an on-line monitoring and control system is developed to realize remote measurement of the oil level. The control and operation personnel can obtain the real-time oil level value and alarm signal from the SCADA system, which improves the overall and reliability of the transformer equipment condition acquisition and reduces the workload of personnel. The system could ensure the safe and stable operation of equipment and power grid.
Received: 05 December 2018
Published: 16 July 2019
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Li Shilong,Ni Jingwen,Xu Datian等. A novel on-line system for monitoring the oil level of capsule-type storage tank of 35kV power transformer[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(7): 33-36.
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