The study of characteristics of the transformer vibration noise under DC magnetic bias |
Liu Lin1, You Fangyuan1, Yu Wangyang1, Yang Yong1, Wang Jun2 |
1. No.722 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Wuhan 432205; 2. Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 210007 |
Abstract In this paper, the operation characteristics of power transformers under DC bias are studied and analyzed. Firstly, based on the basic principle of transformer vibration and magnetic bias, the vibration mechanism and basic characteristics of transformer under DC magnetic bias are analyzed. Then, combined with the noise monitoring data of two 220kV transformers in a new substation, the DC bias mechanism of power transformer is analyzed and the spectrum characteristics are extracted. The analysis results verify the basic characteristics of transformer vibration and noise under the magnetic bias mechanism. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions for improvement.
Received: 04 November 2018
Published: 16 July 2019
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Liu Lin,You Fangyuan,Yu Wangyang等. The study of characteristics of the transformer vibration noise under DC magnetic bias[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(7): 9-12.
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