The influence of fog-haze on AC corona loss of overhead transmission line conductor |
Fang Xiaoqiu1, Wang Man1, Du Shengji2 |
1. State Grid Corporation of China, Chongqing Company, Jiangbei Branch, Chongqing 400000; 2. State Grid Corporation of China, Chengkou Branch, Chongqing 400000 |
Abstract As a special weather condition, fog-haze has widely public attention. A temporary fog-haze chamber is built in this paper, kaolin particle with medium diameter of 2.5μm and (NH4)2SO4 resolutions are adopted to simulate the fog-haze. The corona loss experiments are performed in different fog-haze densities. The obtained artificial simulated particle diameter and fog-haze density are similar to that of real fog-haze. The corona loss experiments in different fog-haze densities show that: The corona loss grows in a shape of power function with the increase of electric field intensity. Moreover, with the augment of fog-haze density around the transmission lines, the corresponding corona loss also increase, but the increment is not significant.
Received: 21 December 2018
Published: 19 August 2019
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Fang Xiaoqiu,Wang Man,Du Shengji. The influence of fog-haze on AC corona loss of overhead transmission line conductor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(8): 95-98.
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