Wide area damping control strategy for interarea power grid contains multi-voltage-source converters power electronics equipment |
Xu Maoda1, Wang Ye2, Hao Wenbo1, Liu Cheng2, Chen Xiaojie2 |
1. Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Company, Harbin 150030; 2. School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin, Jilin 132012 |
Abstract With the increasing penetration ratio of many voltage-source converter (VSC) power electronic equipment into the power system, interconnected power grid made up of many converters is gradually formed. As to the characteristics of reactive coordinated modulation using multi-voltage- source converters, reactive coordinated ability of multi-converters are used to design the wide-area damping control strategy in this paper. And it provides damp for system and reduce power oscillation. Firstly, control links of the multi-voltage-source converters are introduced, and the multi-voltage-source converters versatility model are researched and constructed. Secondly, the multi-converters reactive modulation damping contribution mechanism are analyzed. Finally, power oscillation of interconnected power grid are supplied for wide-area damping using fuzzy control of reactive power link of multi-voltage-source converters. By simulation example of multi-voltage-source converters, simulation results shows that the method can provide damping for the system, effectively suppress inter-regional oscillations, and enhance the stability of the power system.
Received: 02 February 2019
Published: 12 September 2019
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Xu Maoda,Wang Ye,Hao Wenbo等. Wide area damping control strategy for interarea power grid contains multi-voltage-source converters power electronics equipment[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(9): 39-46.
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