Research on loss and temperature rise calculation method of power transformer under the influence of geomagnetically induced current |
Xing Junqiang1, Wang Fei2, Han Gang1, Qiu Wei1, Yu Li1 |
1. School of Electric Power Shenyang Institute of Engineering, Shenyang 110136; 2. Liaoshen Industries Group Co., Ltd, Shenyang 110144 |
Abstract The DC bias induced by geomagnetically induced current (GIC) has adverse effects on the operation of power grid, among which single-phase transformer and three-phase five-pillar power transformer are most seriously affected. According to IEEE Std C57.91 standard, the paper takes an OSFZSZ-420000/354 power transformer as the research object to study the calculation method of magnetization current and magnetic field temperature rise of power transformer under GIC. Traditional analysis method is difficult to simulate transformer saturation characteristic change under the GIC. Through the finite element with PSCAD iterative calculation, this paper studies the changes of characteristic of the power transformer operation influenced by magnetic induction current (GIC). First, on the basis of the finite element study of transformer core saturation excitation characteristics calculation method under the condition of operation, then based on the transformer core saturation characteristic curve to establish PSCAD GIC simulation model under the influence of magnetizing current, and finally through PSCAD and 3D eddy current field coupling analysis, this paper explores the transformer loss under the influence of the GIC and method to calculate the temperature.
Received: 09 June 2019
Published: 18 January 2020
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Xing Junqiang,Wang Fei,Han Gang等. Research on loss and temperature rise calculation method of power transformer under the influence of geomagnetically induced current[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 20-24.
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