Research on the technology of distributed energy trading system based on blockchain |
Xu Jianli, Zhao Yong, Lian Yicheng |
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430000 |
Abstract With the increasing environmental awareness of users and the increase in the proportion of clean energy access on the distribution network side, electrical energy transactions in distributed micro-grids has gradually been paid attention. The current " surplus electricity sold to the grid " method does not adapt to the distributed network structure. This situation is not conducive to the promotion of distributed generation. Therefore, this paper proposes a distributed energy trading system based on blockchain, which can achieve efficient, safe and decentralized energy trading. First, the whole system of "production-transaction-transmission" is built, and the difficulties in the transaction are pointed out. Then a transaction model based on smart contracts and continuous double auction is designed. Finally, the consensus algorithm is improved based on delegated proof of stake. Experimental results show that this transaction model has significantly improved the economic benefits of both buyers and sellers compared to the " surplus electricity sold to the grid " approach. And the improved consensus algorithm effectively restrains malicious nodes from doing evil.
Received: 10 April 2020
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Xu Jianli,Zhao Yong,Lian Yicheng. Research on the technology of distributed energy trading system based on blockchain[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(10): 7-14.
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