Voltage control scheme of transformer tap based on dynamic topology |
Cheng Li, Liu Qinghong, Liu Weihang, Liu Zhongze, Zeng Ziqing |
NR Electric Co.,Ltd,Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract Under the condition of multi transformer parallel operation in overseas substations, the primary equipment is grouped dynamically according to the change of operation mode. Each group independently regulates the transformer tap to control the bus voltage, the bus voltage and circulating current meet the target requirements. In this paper, a voltage control scheme of transformer's tap is proposed, which scans the power grid diagram and uses BFS algorithm to generate topological groups. In the topological grouping, the transformer circulation is calculated by admittance method, and the voltage and circulation are tracked. The greedy algorithm is used to control the voltage and limit the circulation. Simulation test and operation test show that the scheme has the characteristics of mature architecture, strong topology adaptability and convergence of regulation algorithm, and has considerable innovation and practical value. In the future, further research will be carried out on the transformer tap control scheme under various power grid diagram to accumulate experience for overseas project promotion.
Received: 17 April 2020
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Cheng Li,Liu Qinghong,Liu Weihang等. Voltage control scheme of transformer tap based on dynamic topology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(11): 39-45.
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