A parameterized battery model for battery emulator and parameter identification method |
Fu Yiyang, Li Ruihua, Hu Bo, Hu Hao |
Electrical Engineering of Tongji University,Shanghai 201804 |
Abstract Using real battery in the test of electric drive system has many disadvantages, such as high test cost, long test cycle, and difficulty in adapting to extreme operating conditions. Therefore, using battery emulator to replace real battery has become an important trend in the development of electric drive system test. Establishing a parameterized battery model has always been a problem restricting the development of battery emulator. This paper proposes a parameterized battery model for battery emulator and parameter identification method. On this basis, the relationship between the parameters of the battery model and the I-V characteristics of the battery can provide an important reference for the design of the power electronic device of the battery emulator. The experimental results show that the lithium-ion battery model proposed in this paper can accurately reflect the working characteristics of the battery, which is of great significance for the design of the battery emulator.
Received: 30 April 2020
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Fu Yiyang,Li Ruihua,Hu Bo等. A parameterized battery model for battery emulator and parameter identification method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(11): 7-12.
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