Analysis of generator relay protection for overseas oil field small gas turbine power plant |
Mei Yewei, Liu Xuemin, Meng Xiaolong, Xu Dandan |
China Petroleum Engineering & Construction CORP.,Beijing Design Company,Beijing 100085 |
Abstract Based on overseas oil field Gas Turbine Power Plant generator sets relay protection design experiences, combined with technical specification for gas turbine generator protection settings from China national standards and international standards, this paper summarizes relevant relay protection technical requirements, and give relay setting examples for small Gas Turbine Power Plants, provides guidance of relay protection setting for overseas oilfield small Gas Turbine Generator Power Plant.
Received: 10 July 2020
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Mei Yewei,Liu Xuemin,Meng Xiaolong等. Analysis of generator relay protection for overseas oil field small gas turbine power plant[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(11): 76-78.
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