A transient fault diagnosis scheme for relay protection multiplex channel |
Luo Yihui1, Wang Rongchao1, Tan Hao2, Xu Xiaochun2, Zhao Qingchun2 |
1. China Southern Power Grid EHV Transmission Company Liuzhou Bureau,Liuzhou,Guangxi 545006; 2. NR Electric Co.,Ltd,Nanjing 210000 |
Abstract The structure of the line protection multiplex channel is complicated, and the traditional method of locating the channel fault point is time/labor consumptive. In this paper the abnomal judging mechanism of the multiplex channel equipments is studied firstly, the difference in equipment response when the channel fails is analyzed, then the corresponding channel diagnostic byte and its transmission mechanism is designed, multiplex channel fault location is achieved. Considering the actual operation and maintenance situation, a channel fault recording scheme is further proposed, fault recording is triggered when channel diagnostic byte changes, and the information related to channel status before and after the trigger is recorded and a file is generated. Through high-speed acquisition and large-capacity storage hardware solution, even multiple transient failures occur in a short period of time, information can also be completely recorded, at the same time, intermediate node information file and its display software scheme is designed to facilitate the operator to view the relevant informations. Channel diagnosis-related information is modeled according to standardization and can be easily transmitted to the remote monitoring equipment for diagnosis. Experiment shows that the scheme proposed in this paper has a good effect in quickly channel fault diagnosis, does not affect the original function of protection, and has the value of promotion.
Received: 15 April 2020
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Luo Yihui,Wang Rongchao,Tan Hao等. A transient fault diagnosis scheme for relay protection multiplex channel[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(11): 87-91.
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