Comparative analysis of two standards for arc fault detection device |
Xie Zhenhua1,3, Su Jingjing2, Fu Bing1,3, Du Liang1,3 |
1. Zhejiang Testing & Inspection Institute for Mechanical and Electrical Products Quality Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310051;; 2. College of Computer and Control Engineering, Minjiang University, Fuzhou 350108; 3. Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310051; |
Abstract Arc fault detection device is a newly developed protector which can detect fault arc and cut off the failure circuit. Ensuring the reliability of its operation is an important issue in the production and application. The relevant domestic and foreign standards are introduced to study the action characteristic verification tests of arc fault detection device. Comparison analysis has been put on the differences between the standard UL 1699—2017 and national standard GB/T 31143—2014 in product definition, scope of application and functional requirements of products. The experimental content of arc fault detection and the technical requirements of arc fault simulation device are analyzed emphatically that would lay a foundation for the experimental studies of arc fault and the design of arc fault detection equipment.
Received: 04 June 2020
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Xie Zhenhua,Su Jingjing,Fu Bing等. Comparative analysis of two standards for arc fault detection device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(12): 62-67.
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