The stress classification of gas insulated enclosed mental switchgear and gas insulated transmission lines and comparison of their verification standard |
Yang Yong, Ye Rui, Wang Hongchuan |
Xi’an XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710077 |
Abstract Gas insulated enclosed metal switchgear (GIS) and gas insulated transmission lines (GIL) belong to pressure vessel and pressure pipeline respectively according to their structural characteristics, with different stress classification and verification standards. Based on the structural characteristics of GIS and GIL, this paper discusses the stress characteristics, stress classification and verification standards of GIS and GIL respectively according to JB 4732 steel pressure vessel - Analysis and design standard and ASME B31.3 ASME Pressure Pipe code B31-process pipe, and also introduces the finite element simulation method of GIS and GIL stress classification and verification based on the finite element software Workbench and Autopipe. Based on the above research, the purpose of this paper is to provide valuable reference for GIS and GIL designers.
Received: 26 May 2020
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Yang Yong,Ye Rui,Wang Hongchuan. The stress classification of gas insulated enclosed mental switchgear and gas insulated transmission lines and comparison of their verification standard[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(12): 87-91.
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