Analysis of effect factors of nodal price based on electric spot market clearing simulation |
Li Zehong1, Zeng Yangchao1, Zhou Changyou2, Cu Yuanke1, Xiao Peng1 |
1. Guizhou Qianyuan Power Co., Ltd, Guiyang 550002; 2. Huadian Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310030 |
Abstract Since the issuance of “Document 9” of the power generation reform and its supporting documents, eight pilot provinces have started simulated trial operation successively, and the construction of electric markets is in progress. Nodal Price, as an important price mechanism, has been frequently applied in the construction of the electric spot markets. Since nodal price is affected by many factors, it is necessary to analyze and sort out the effect factors of nodal price. Based on summarizing the effect factors of nodal price in southern provinces, this paper simulates the clearing of the day-ahead market, verifies the effects from different factors, such as system load, water flow, offer prices from units, and transmission capacity on nodal price, and provides a basis for decision-making of market operation institutions and market players.
Received: 17 September 2019
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Li Zehong,Zeng Yangchao,Zhou Changyou等. Analysis of effect factors of nodal price based on electric spot market clearing simulation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(5): 41-47.
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